This gallery is devoted to the children who so generously shared their poems with us, and the grownups who helped. We love it when our project takes unexpected turns! Thank you for your insights and beautiful words. (There's plenty of room for more :)

Life Before The Pandemic
By Javesh (India)
Life before the pandemic was thrilling and fun.
I used to look forward to a new day full of laughter,
And my friends and I played in the sun.
Getting ready for school was exciting
We rushed home when studies where done.
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Running over the Corona times
by Tanvi (age 9, India)
Corona ‘called it day ‘to all the fun
To forget mcdonald back to home cooked bun
But, I do miss the school and the fun,
Even waiting for school bus in the morning sun.
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My reflection
A song by Hardika (age 13, India)
Coronavirus, a new global disease,
Stay in your homes for your safety please.
Symptoms like fever making us weak,
Seek the doctor’s help if in need.
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Oh! how I missed those days
By Atharva (age 9, India)
When we used to roam freely on the street,
The parks use to be full & we could hear
children’s laughter and running feet.
Each school day was fun,
how difficult it was to see our friend and not run.
Watching the eyes of the teachers
when we were being naughty,
but seeing their beautiful smiles
used to make us happy.
Oh how I missed those days …..
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Why did you visit us?
By Atharva (India)
Oh Covid, Oh Covid Why did you visit us –
Life was so beautiful and fun;
we were always at the run.
Oh Covid, Oh Covid Why did you visit us?
Every lovely morning, we used to look forward to our school,
it was so cool.
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A portal of covid-19
By Anika (age 11, India)
How can we not shudder?
While we wait for it to pass.
Behind our close shutters,
We see it bringing up its mass.
While we are stuck in the darkest of night,
With hopelessness we strive.
Mother nature brings up her light.
Joining the broken circle of life.
With her help animals and plants reunite.
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Rainbow of Hope
By Eshal (age 11, India)
Excitedly watching the skies,
Maybe this virus is done,
Feeling less empty inside,
The rainbow of hope has come.
All 7 colours arise,
To brighten up everyone’s day.
Optimism at its best,
We will push this away.
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Let's gear up
(Age 12, India)
Let's gear up for a new life
And put an end to this current strife
Keeping the hopes up high in the skies
And to all our woes bid goodbyes
When o when will the world be back on track.
All of us wish we could rewind back.
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