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Should you need emotional support after the interview
For children:
Child Line offers information, online support and live counsellors for children experiencing racism and racial bullying.
For parents/carers:
Children 1st has more information and a helpline supporting parents in talking to cildren about racism.

Some tips on continuing the conversation about racism
Acknowledge your child's emotions, as well as your own feelings about the topic of racism. Feelings such as upset, sad, confused or angry are natural and okay.
If your child has questions, follow their lead and allow their questions to quide the conversation.
Remember, racism is a complex topic and it’s okay not to have all the answers. Sometimes saying ‘I don’t know’ is the most honest and helpful thing to say.

Additional resources on racism and inequality
Want to explore topics related to racism and inequality further? Here are some of our favourite resources:
Sesamy Workshop has great resources for talking about race and identity for both children and parents/carers.
The American Psychological Association has great tips and tools for parents, including tips for books about race and ethnicity.
Global inequality:
Kids Boost Immunity offers great videos and information for children.
Social Change Makers has documented children's reactions to qual pay for equal work.
ChildFund Australia offers lots of great information and resources.